The Benefits of Ice Baths After Hard Workouts Beyond providing immediate relief to sore or aching muscles, ice baths can really give your recovery a boost after a super hard workout.
Cryotherapy vs. Ice Baths From saunas and sweat lodges to ice packs and cold tubs, there’s a hot or cold therapy for just about every situation imaginable.
Hot vs. Cold Therapy: When to Use Each From ice baths to hot tubs, we’ll look at what treatments to use, when to use them, and how to help yourself heal most effectively.
When Should You Ice Bath? Why do athletes take ice baths, and why does that matter for you? Go over our best uses for an ice bath to figure out for if this chilly trend...
Beginners Guide to Cold Therapy Cold therapy is a term that encapsulates different forms of therapy centered around the cold. Keep reading for a guide to all the types of cold therapy!
Ice Bath Do's and Don'ts Ice baths are becoming increasingly common today, but many people are still hesitant. We’ll go over the basics of cold plunging, from temperature to timing, for the best experience.
The PLUNGE Tour! We went on a Plunge Tour to deliver tubs to people that have made a huge impacts on our lives. Join us as we meet and thank our awesome community.
Most Common Cold Plunge Myths We all come up with reasons why we can't do something. Gaining the courage to do something is all about your attitude. Let's bust some cold plunge myths!
How to Create a Cold Plunge Routine "I want to create a cold plunge routine, how do I do that?" 1. Commit to yourself. Start with a 21 day challenge. One of the best ways to form...