The PLUNGE Tour!
In March of 2021, we went on a Plunge Tour and delivered tubs to people that have made tremendous impacts on our lives. We set out to coordinate Plunge deliveries personally because we wanted to meet these awesome people and thank them. Truth be told, we had a bit of "fan-dude status" as we've looked to these humans and the inspiring work they do and we hoped to bridge their communities with ours. What meant to be a delivery turned into life talks, wisdom gains, and all-around feel good memories.
Our first stop was the wildly charismatic and down-to-earth funny guy, Peter Crone, The Mind Architect. He gave us a generous welcome into his home as though we had been longtime friends. What struck us most was that he was easy to be with and genuinely happy. Peter has dedicated his life to helping people move through thought-limiting beliefs to transform their daily lives, habits, and behaviors. He has thought-provoking videos and coaches people all over the world. You can check out his work here.
Our second stop was the Yes Theory House. What a solid community of humans living and creating their best lives. They are a group to be inspired by, they are "living creation" as Ryan puts it. They took a true leap to create a digital media company that amassed worldwide recognition and a dedicated community. We are inspired by their Seek Discomfort brand, it was a no-brainer mantra to partner with, as cold plunging is about meeting the uncomfortable. They are a really fun group and we had a blast plunging on their rooftop with them. They've even traveled to learn from Ice Man Hof himself. Get inspired and stay inspired, check out Yes Theory.
The Next stop was the one and only Paul Chek. This was "definitely a sit back and listen day," Ryan says. Visiting the Rainbow House and learning more of Paul's philosophies was truly an unforgettable experience. Paul taught us that age has no limit on health and happiness. Your life will change for the better by seeking out Paul's wisdom, you can find more about the Chek Institute here.
Our final stop led us to Rich Roll, the brilliant author and athlete that hosts "meaningful conversations that matter." You may know him through his books and podcast. What struck us most about Rich is that he was genuinely curious about what we do. He asked us questions and made us feel a sense of belonging. Rich welcomed us to his beautiful home with a calm and curious presence. He's a highly successful person that sleeps in a tent every night. What was really cool about our visit and drop-off was that Rich had never plunged before. We were able to be there for his first dip, and it was exciting to witness someone begin their cold exposure therapy! It's been awesome to be in touch since he started plunging.
The plunge tour gave us fond moments to look back on and inspired us to keep moving forward, beyond our thought-limitations. It's contagious to be around people who intentionally put challenges into their lives and take them head-on. It felt like we knew these people and it felt good to be seen.
We're about to embark on our next Plunge tour. Stay tuned to our social to find out who we're visiting!